The City of Marinette’s Common Council met in special session yesterday to discuss the JCI/Tyco GETS System and site access agreement with the city. The agreement states that Tyco in coordination with its environmental consultant is in the process of designing a groundwater remedy for certain environmental issues that originated on Tyco property.  Tyco desires to construct a groundwater extraction and treatment system to treat PFAS that migrated with groundwater off Tyco property. This system will include construction and installation of wells, pipes, outfalls, and other permanent infrastructure. Tyco would like to construct and install sections of GETS on the rights-of-way commonly known as Pierce Avenue, Oakview Road, Edwin Street, James Street, Todd Street, Richard Street, Florence Street and on the parcel known as 2501 Pierce Avenue. After much debate, the council approved the agreement with JCI/Tyco…no activities will be conducted without prior notice to the city.