04/05/2019- There’s emerging concern about the spreading of Marinette’s wastewater biosolids on county farm fields. For several months, the City has been holding their biosolids at the request of the Wisconsin DNR due to high concentrations of PFAS compounds in the material from Tyco’s disposal of firefighting foam into Marinette’s sewer system. Residents have begun to raise questions about where these biosolids have previously been spread and if or how its contamination could impact local agriculture. Mayor Steve Genisot announced Wednesday the City has posted a document online with information on all biosolid spreading activity since 1996. You can access it at https://www.marinette.wi.us/371/1996-to-2018-Land-Application-Fields. The DNR hasn’t set an acceptable concentration level for PFAS contamination in biosolids, though those figures are expected in the coming months before Marinette’s biosolids holding tank reaches capacity. The City remains in conversation with the DNR and Tyco about biosolid disposal options and who will cover those costs moving forward.