08/10/2018- A new report created by six health departments and 26 community partnerships provides insight about the health status of the Upper Peninsula’s more than 300-thousand residents. The Community Health Needs Assessment covers all 15 UP counties and is the culmination of 18-months of research and partnerships between local health departments, hospitals, behavioral health agencies, and health foundations. The study includes data on health across the lifespan, access to care, and community health issues. It shows 12.7% percent of Menominee County residents have a health status of Fair or Poor and 19% are unable to access healthcare due to cost- both notably above the state average. Other local health concerns are the number of residents who currently smoke cigarettes or are heavy alcohol drinkers. The county did score well above the state average in the percentage of people age 65 and older who received a flu shot in the past 12 months. The entire Community Health Needs Assessment can be found online here.
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