04/17/2019- The Marinette County Board could take an official stance on the legalization of recreational marijuana as early as next month. A vote to draft a resolution opposing the legalization of recreational pot failed on a tie at the Public Services Committee earlier this month, so it was presented to the full County Board with no recommendation Tuesday. Supervisor Al Sauld says he doesn’t see recreational marijuana use as any more dangerous than alcohol, and, although it could run the county as much as $20000, he wants to give the voters a chance to weigh in through a referendum.
The topic was originally brought to the Committee level by Sheriff Jerry Sauve who says he’s concerned the state will consider decriminalizing the drug soon. This resolution, he hopes, would be a starting point to eventually enact an ordinance similar to the one the City of Marinette did prohibiting possession of pot in the event it is legalized statewide.
A motion to draft a resolution opposing the legalization of recreational marijuana passed 20 to 7. That document will be brought back to the County Board for final review in May.