02/04/2019- The wheels are in motion for the redevelopment of Marinette County’s Law Enforcement Center. County Administrator John Lefebvre brought forth a plan to the Board of Supervisors to relocate several county offices to the old jail connected to the courthouse and annex building. Lefebvre says at the present time, the county is paying to lease space for some of their existing offices and the development of the law enforcement center for office use will allow for increased size and convenience.
While there had been discussion between the City of Marinette and the County about potentially relocating some City departments to the former LEC, Lefebvre says that’s no longer an option he’s entertaining. There’s a fair amount of work that would have to be put into the building before it could be occupied. Lefebvre says he’s looking at having a new HVAC system installed and creating a “green roof” for both employee and community use.
Lefebvre says his goal is to have most of the work complete on the LEC in 2020, with the first major phase getting underway soon. Last week, the County Board approved entering into an agreement for the demolition of the existing steel detention equipment at a cost of around $25000.