12/06/2018- When it comes to economic development, Marinette County officials agree they can’t do it alone. The Development Committee took up the issue again Tuesday in an attempt to identify the specific role the county should assume in enhancing communities and the overall economy. There were plenty of ideas being thrown around, but a common theme was the need to seek professional guidance and assistance in developing and executing these plans. County Board Chairman Mark Anderson says Marinette County Association for Business and Industry, the organization currently tasked with this role, is no longer working effectively for the county government.
There was some debate as to whether the economic development role should be an internal position at the county or a contracted service, but Supervisor Rick Polzin says before the county can hire someone to carry out their goals, they need to determine just what those goals are.
After more than an hour of discussion, the committee recommended the County Administrator develop options for roles the county can take in economic development, as well as a plan to hire an individual to accomplish them, although that document isn’t expected back for a couple of months.