08/06/2020- As critical as the test itself is the contact tracing process for COVID-19 patients, though that work is neither quick nor easy, which is why Marinette County health officials say social distancing and avoiding large gatherings is even more important. Public Health Officer Molly Bonjean says the initial call for each positive COVID-19 case takes about 90 minutes and each subsequent close contact call- that is, those who’ve been within six feet of an infected individual for 15 minutes or more- takes another 30 minutes. That places an incredible burden of work on Health and Human Services employees, especially as case numbers continue to rise- more than quadrupling in Marinette County over the past month.

With scam and automated calls so common these days, many people won’t even pick up the phone if they don’t recognize the number on the screen, but Bonjean says if you get a message from HHS, it’s important to return that call as soon as possible.

Those who have been in close contact with a confirmed case of the coronavirus won’t receive personal information about the individual, but they are given instructions about quarantining themselves and what signs and symptoms to watch for.