07/18/2019- Plans to upgrade the surface of the walking track at Marinette’s Community REC Center are moving forward. Director of Recreation and Events Gavin Scray says some walking track users requested the track be rubberized because the current cement surface is hard on their joints. The project could cost as much as $135000, part of which Scray suggested could come from the $95000 Focus on Energy rebate check the City received for the REC Center, and the rest would come from a public fundraising effort. Alderperson Rick Polzin is in favor of the project and says he wants to see it completed sooner rather than later. Marinette’s Finance Committee asked Scray to begin reaching out to contractors to get an idea of what their timelines and availability look like so the City can better anticipate whether the resurfacing will be completed this year or next. Scray will also update the committee on fundraising efforts next month and a determination on how much of the Focus on Energy check will be put towards the track project will be made once final fundraising figures are in.