To invest in Wisconsin’s transportation system, Governor Evers signed a $166,000 contract to improve safety at the intersection of US 41 and Country Meadows Road in Marinette County. Construction is expected to begin September 20, 2021. The intersection will be restricted to right-in/right-out turning movements following construction. Construction includes removing the median pavement crossing and left turn lanes, installing storm sewer drains and concrete curb and gutter and a raised median. Pavement marking and permanent signing along US 41 and Country Meadows will be updated. Upgrades to the railroad crossing on Country Meadows Road will be completed by the railroad owner. The railroad project is scheduled to be completed during the state intersection improvement project but may shift pending the railroad contractor’s schedule. During construction, US 41 will be reduced to one lane in each direction and the median closed. Access to Country Meadows Road from US 41 will be limited to right turns from US 41. Access from Country Meadows Road to US 41 will also be limited to right turns from Country Meadow Road.