Bay Cities Interactive, our digital/media division, is here to help you with all of your Website/Email, Social Media, and Advertising/Marketing needs. From website design, hosting, marketing, training, and consulting, we’ve got you covered.
Whether you need a website with a shopping cart, you’re trying to build an email marketing list, or you want to learn how to add social media marketing into the mix, we can help you.
We serve every kind of client including those who prefer to:
- “Do It Yourself (DIY)”
- “Do It With You (DIWY)”
- “Do It For You (DIFY)”
So, before you register a domain name or design a business card, come see Bay Cities Interactive and we’ll help you plan, launch, and manage your project(s).
Romy Blystone
Lead Developer
Bay Cities Interactive Team
Click on the tabs below for more information.
Let us help you register/manage/renew your domain name for you. Using best practices, we’ll help you avoid costly mistakes so you choose the best domain(s) for your website, email addresses, search engine optimization, print, and branding.
We’ll also help you manage your domain name and make sure everything is correct including nameservers and DNS records (i.e. including A, AAAA, Alias, CNAME, MX, NS, SRV, and TXT records).
Having a website for your business is pretty much required in today’s world of constant technological advancements. Rather than using older methods for information-seeking, more and more people are using the internet to find the information that they desire wherever and whenever they want. Having a website for your business or organization opens up more opportunities to both advertise and sell your wares or to get messages out to your current and future customers.
At Bay Cities Interactive, we understand how important having a website is for businesses. We will work with you to incorporate your personal specifications into the design and will make sure that your site is exactly how you want it to look. After it is completed, we will maintain it for you and update it with the information that you send us.
Your website needs to be stored on servers that are connected to the Internet and allow others to access it. Likewise, your email needs similar hosting in order to travel between devices. Although hosting sounds familiar and appears similar across platforms, nothing could be further from the truth.
For example, we are hosted in the Cloud. This is very different from GoDaddy Shared Hosting.
Shared hosting servers are servers with multiple websites on them. … Cloud hosting is a service that exists on multiple servers. Instead of on one shared server, your site is hosted in the cloud. This means we can bounce your website hosting between servers as we adjust to performance spikes and other stresses.
In short, you are NOT sharing resources with other websites stored on the same overworked server. There are NO migrations of your website when your server becomes outdated. There are NO limits to how many resources are available to you during peak times.
All hosting is including within our Maintenance Plans.
Take good care of your website and it will take care of your business! Put your time and resources into generating sales and let us focus on your website. We even provide monthly content updates to keep your website looking fresh and new.
Standard Package starting at $175.00
E-commerce Package starting at $470.00
- Site software updates
- Monthly site content updates as needed
- Monitor for website vulnerabilities
- Proactive protection against viruses, malware, and hacking
- One full website backup per month
- Website hosting
- Helpdesk Support for all issues
Additional Monthly Options
- Web Maintenance discounts when combined with digital marketing packages
- 4 hours of weekly content updates
- Discounted Site face-lift on renewal–50% off website design packages or free premium site with a 2-year contract (50% off additional pages)
- SSL Certification: $100.00
The days of “Build it and they will come” are long gone. Everything has changed and your marketing MUST evolve with it.
We believe there are four (4) goals or purposes for your website:
- Generate Awareness: People who know your name, mission, etc.
- Generate Subscribers: People who agree to receive information from you.
- Generate Customers: People who buy from you.
- Generate Affiliates: People who share favorable information about you.
To Generate Awareness, you MUST be present and visible in whatever lanes your audience lives, works, and plays. The old saying, “Location, Location, Location” has never been more prevalent… except today, your location includes online properties as well.
In short, your business needs to be more than just a brick and mortar building close to driveby traffic. You also need to be online, searchable on sites like Google and Yahoo!, and present in social media channels like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.
To Generate Subscribers, many blend their advertising/marketing efforts across multiple platforms:
- Print: Renting a newspaper/magazine’s list of “readers”.
- Radio: Renting a radio station’s list of “listeners”.
- TV: Renting a TV station’s list of “viewers”.
- Internet: Renting the World Wide Web’s list of “readers, listeners, and viewers”.
When paying for ads to appear across these platforms, it is imperative that your “call-to-action” builds your list first. Armed with your own list, you can continue to advertise and market to your subscribers at a fraction of the cost of renting lists from print, radio, TV, and the Internet.
To Generate Customers, the Rule of Seven, an old marketing adage, states that a prospect needs to “see” or “hear” your marketing message at least seven (7) times before they take action and buy from you. If you have to “rent” your readers, listeners, and viewers every time you have something to share, your advertising/marketing costs may soar.
Here’s where your business model meets UI/UX and has the ability to generate customers. Consider how utilized an evergrowing blend of products/services, distribution/shipping, and customer reviews to sell to millions around the world.
To Generate Affiliates, you’ll want to keep your existing customers satisfied and happy. Moreover, you’ll want to create an affiliate program that empowers and incentivizes your loyal customers to share your content for the purposes of generating subscribers, customers, and more affiliates.
For a moment, consider how affiliates serve your business. In a traditional business, you have to build a sales team, train them, provide them with all the education, motivation, and resources they need in order to work for you. This initial investment can cost thousands of dollars before a single product/service is ever sold. Training salespeople is costly and there is NO guarantee they will be effective, efficient, or even stay with you. Affiliate programs, on the other hand, do not require training other than sharing best practices and providing sales materials… but moreover, affiliates are NOT paid until a product or service is sold. This is why so many companies have chosen to launch affiliate programs.