05/29/2019- Time is running out for City of Menominee officials to decide whether to allow the sale of recreational marijuana in the city. Michigan is poised to begin accepting seller applications September 1st and if the City hasn’t put an ordinance in place stating otherwise by then, they’ll automatically be opted-in to permitting all retail, wholesale, and growing operations. Draft regulations from the state are expected to be released by Friday and most members of Menominee’s Judicial and Legislative/ Personnel and Labor Committee would prefer to review those before deciding. City Attorney Rob Jamo explained if the city opts out, they can choose to opt back in, but if they don’t get the ball rolling soon, the decision will be made for them.
Beyond the state’s regulations, there’s the financial and social aspects to consider. Mayor Jean Stegeman says she wants to see a cost-benefit analysis as it relates to potential tax revenue from pot sales that could be returned to the City.
The Committee plans to meet again next week after the state’s draft regulations have been released to discuss an opt-out ordinance further. If Menominee ultimately decides to prohibit pot sales in the City, they’d join a list of more than 450 municipalities across Michigan that have already done so.
JL/PL Committee Talks Opt-Out Ordinance for Marijuana Sales

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