03/26/2020- When voters head to the polls April 7th, one of the biggest local races they’ll see on their ballot is for Marinette County’s Branch 1 Circuit Court Judge. Current Judge David Miron announced last May his present term will be his last and Jane Kopish Sequin, the County’s Circuit Court Commissioner and Register in Probate is one of the candidates now vying for that seat. Kopish Sequin is a Marinette native and has more than two decades of experience presiding over both civil and criminal cases. She’s says it’s that experience that sets her apart from her challenger.
Kopish Sequin is a proponent of the county’s existing specialized treatment courts for qualifying offenders with drug abuse or mental health disorders and says there is value in rehabilitating these people, not just locking them up.
Although polling sites will still be open on the 7th, Kopish-Sequin is encouraging voters to utilize their option to vote absentee in the upcoming election to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. We’ll feature a full story on the other candidate in Circuit Court Judge race, Mike Perry, on tomorrow’s broadcast.