05/06/2019- Postal delivery workers will be collecting more than just your mail this weekend. The annual nationwide Letter Carriers Food Drive is Saturday, May 11th and although it’s an event that takes place across the country, the donations collected locally will stay right here at home. Kalyani Grasso is the Executive Director of the St. Vincent de Paul in Marinette. She says this is the largest food drive of the year supporting their food pantry.
The items food pantries in the area, including St. Vincent de Paul’s, are most in need of include cereal, pasta and sauce, canned fruits and vegetables, and peanut butter. Last year, the food drive netted 3800 pounds of food. While that may seem like a lot, Grasso says it’s only enough to get them through about four months.
There will be no designated bags handed out for this year’s Letter Carriers Food Drive. Residents are asked to put their non-perishable donations in any bag at their mailbox prior to their normal mail delivery time. Donations can also be brought directly to the post office.
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