02/01/2019- It’s a good cause with an extra sweet twist. The Cupcake Run will be held on Saturday, February 16th at the Marinette High School with proceeds benefitting the V Foundation for Cancer Research. Carolan Garceau helped organize the 5K event and says supporting cancer research isn’t the only thing motivating people to take part- dozens of cupcakes await runners and walkers at the finish line.
This is the sixth year of the Cupcake Run, which has drawn in as many as 200 participants. Garceau says she and her mother came up with the idea for the event after recognizing just how many people around them had been impacted by cancer.
The cost to take part in the Cupcake Run is $25 per person or $30 if runners choose to take part virtually and have event materials shipped to them. Online registration can be completed on the active-dot-com website or athletes can register the day of the run until 8:00 AM.
Local Cupcake Run is Back

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