09/04/2019- It’s something no one wants to think about happening in their own community, but with school shootings seemingly occurring more and more frequently, it’s a threat that can’t be ignored. That’s why local law enforcement is working collaboratively with school districts throughout Marinette County to make sure they know exactly what to do if that type of a threat ever becomes a reality. Patrol Lieutenant Jason Ducane with the Marinette County Sheriff’s Office says there’s really no geographical or suspect profile for these types of events and that’s why they encourage schools to take a proactive approach to ensuring student safety through their active shooter training.
Many schools are opting for enhanced physical safety measures within their facilities to prevent intruders or weapons from entering the building and while they’re helpful, Lieutenant Ducane says that only goes so far.
Lieutenant Ducane says parents also play a role in fostering a safer school environment. He encourages them to talk to their kids about violence, monitor their phone, internet, and media use, and reassure them it’s okay to speak up if they see or hear something that concerns them.