01/02/2019- With all the joy the holidays bring, sometimes, they bring a few extra pounds, too. That’s part of the reason why “eating healthier” and “exercising more” topped the list of New Year’s Resolutions made in 2018. Kristen Weglarz is the Healthy Living Director at the Greater Marinette-Menominee YMCA and she says whether you’re starting a brand new fitness journey in 2019 or you’re just looking to shed some winter weight, her top tips are to pick activities you enjoy, find an accountability partner, and take it one day at a time.
And, learning to eat well doesn’t have to be intimidating. Weglarz says even if your diet has consisted mostly of eggnog and Christmas cookies for the past few weeks, making little changes can lead to a big difference.
While the average American only puts on about a pound of weight during the holiday season, it’s likely the holidays account for much of a person’s annual weight gain over the course of a lifetime. Studies show even just 15 to 20 minutes of physical activity a day can help keep weight in check, as well as lowering overall stress levels.
Local YMCA has Tips for Sticking to Fitness Resolutions

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