02/13/2019- It certainly wasn’t the outcome Marinette and Menominee were hoping for. Much to the disappointment of those in attendance at a watch party in Marinette and residents tuning in to the Facebook Live announcement across the communities, the Twin Cities didn’t survive the latest round of cuts for Small Business Revolution Season 4. Keith Killen has been a major player in the local effort since the beginning and he says even if Marinette and Menominee didn’t win the top prize, they’ve still gained plenty from the experience.
The Twin Cities made it to the Top 10 from the initial 12-thousand entries and the initiative garnered impressive support from both sides of the river and beyond.
While only five cities were expected to be announced, show producers instead selected six cities to move on to the nationwide vote. Those competing for the Season 4 $500000 prize include Camas, Washington, Cañon City, Colorado, Corsicana, Texas, Durant, Oklahoma, Searcy, Arkansas, and Washington, North Carolina.
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