Marinette eyes the possibility of repurposing the city’s wading pool into a new summertime attraction. Members of the Parks and Recreation Committee discussed the possibility of installing a public splash pad within the city at their meeting last month. Tuesday, Recreation Director Kent Kostelecky presented several estimates he received for the project with price tags ranging from $150000 to nearly $350000. In addition to the cost of equipment and installation, the water in the unit would also require daily monitoring and maintenance. Kostelecky added that wherever they decided to place the splash pad, a nearby building to house the mechanics of the system would also be necessary. He proposed exploring the idea of replacing the wading pool at the city pool to cut down on maintenance and staffing costs. Kostelecky plans to research the feasibility of the project and get a better idea of what size and features of the splash pad are recommended for the city’s use and bring his findings back to the Parks and Rec Committee next month.
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