Several streets in the Menekaunee area will be under construction starting Wednesday, August 4th. The work will consist of a double chip seal on the streets pulverized earlier this year. The project is expected to be completed in two days. Individual street segments will be closed to traffic during the chipping operations. Street segments will reopen to traffic after the work in the segment is completed. Field staff will provide traffic control and direct vehicles around the construction activities. We ask motorists to use caution and reduce speed when traveling around the construction zone. Starting Wednesday morning, motorists should not park vehicles on the streets to be chip sealed until after the project is finished. A list of streets included in this project can be found on the City of Marinette web site, This information is also available at the Office of the Department of Public Works, located in Marinette City Hall. Please contact the Marinette Public Works Department at (715) 732-5134 with any questions.