09/17/2018- The City of Menominee and the M&M Yacht club are working on an agreement whereby the Yacht Club would do some major improvements to the Yacht Club in lieu of rent. The Yacht Club currently pays $6000 a year in rent. The proposal would have the club fund improvements estimated to cost $75,000 over the next two years in lieu of rent for the next 10 years. There would also be two options extending the agreement for 5 additional years each. The improvements would bring the facility into ADA compliance by raising a portion or the floor and installing ramps. City Manager Tony Graff says there could be an additional benefit to the city as ADA compliance of city facilities is one of the criteria for a USDA loan the city may be looking at to fund water and sewer projects. The city’s Parks and Recreation and Building and Grounds Committee recommended the City Council approved the concept of the proposal.
Menominee and Yacht Club Negotiate New Rent Deal

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