07/08/2019- You’ll see firefighters along the streets of Marinette next week, but there’s no emergency. They’re there raising awareness and funds for children affected by neuromuscular diseases. The Marinette Fire Department is once again taking part in the nationwide Fill the Boot campaign July 17th through the 19th collecting donations from passing motorists to support muscular dystrophy research and sponsor trips to summer camp for kids affected by the disease. Firefighter Jason Lemire says they’ve teamed up with local businesses this year to help broaden their reach. Three area restaurants will contribute a portion of their daily sales to the fire department’s effort.
The Marinette Fire Department has collected upwards of $20000 during the local Fill the Boot the past few years. Lemire says they rank in the top five in the state for totals raised, however, that status doesn’t matter nearly as much to them as the lives they’re able to impact.
Firefighters will be collecting donations at the intersection of Hall Ave and Hattie Street in Marinette. The fundraiser runs from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. all three days.