04/19/2019- Students at the local technical college have a few new options when it comes to career planning. NWTC in Marinette recently wrapped up a multi-million dollar renovation and is now launching a number of new programs designed to meet the changing needs of local industry. Gary Kemppainen is an Academic Advisor on campus and he says the programs will prepare students for the types of in-demand jobs that are coming on the market.
The largest demographic at the Marinette campus is the non-traditional student- those who did not attend college directly after high school, take classes part-time, or are seeking a career change. An opportunity NWTC offers for that sector is to upskill- that is, to take classes that prepare them for a promotion or advancement at their current job. Kemppainen says it’s a popular option for both the student and their employer who may be looking to develop or expand their company through a more highly-trained employee base.
NWTC is hosting a Quick Start event for prospective students May 2nd. There, guests will have the opportunity meet with instructors, admissions advisors, and career coaches, as well as apply and take their admission exams for free. More information can be found at nwtc.edu/events.
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