10/07/2020- After substantial discussion by the Common Council Tuesday, the City of Marinette has agreed they’re taking the COVID-19 pandemic one month- even one day- at a time. Council reconsidered hosting a number of public events, as well as whether or not to approve the annual agreement with the Marinette Menominee Area Youth Hockey Association for this upcoming season following a recent surge in local coronavirus numbers. Despite assurance from Recreation Department staff that they were adhering to reduced capacity limitations and best practices aimed at mitigating the spread of the virus, concerns about putting on functions at the Community REC Center had Alderperson Doug Oitzinger proposing the City cancel and reschedule all major events and team sport contests through the end of the year.
Those proposals by Oitzinger, as well as a third motion to limit the number of spectators in the ice arena to 25 persons total, were each voted down by Council. Alderperson Debbie Klegin says while she understands the risk to keeping the venue open to these larger events, she’s against broad-stroke cancellations or restrictions she sees as overly severe.
While the MMAYHA agreement was approved, Mayor Steve Genisot did note that they are still evaluating whether individual events, including the upcoming Blues, Brews, and BBQ, antique and flea market, and Military 20 Year Club gun and knife show should go on.