08/13/2019- Thousands of US service members have died during the War on Terror and a memorial coming to Menominee this month aims to honor that sacrifice. The Remembering our Fallen memorial is a traveling tribute to the military men and women that have lost their lives since 9/11 and the national tour makes a stop in Menominee August 23 through the 26 at the Veterans Memorial Park. Dave Thompson with the Menominee DAV says what sets this apart from other war memorials is the display of not only the names, but pictures of the fallen across 30 separate 10-foot towers.
“It has pictures of the soldiers. Pictures in their military uniform, maybe with their family, and they may tell the story on how he lost his life. I think that’s the most important thing- people are going to be able to put a face to that cost of freedom.”
This will be the first time the Remembering our Fallen memorial will be in the UP and Thompson says he hopes it serves as a reminder that there are people right here in our own communities who have served or love someone who’s served in the War on Terror.
“I’m hoping that people will remember that there’s young men and women over there still fighting. I hope they remember the sacrifices not only that the service members make, but those of their families and their loved ones…Sometimes they feel all alone, but they’re not.”
Remembering our Fallen will arrive in Menominee around 1 p.m. on the 23rd and an opening ceremony will be held at the Veterans Memorial Park on the 24th at 8:45 a.m. The memorial will be available for viewing from dawn to dusk daily through the 26th. Volunteers are still needed for set-up and take-down and those interested in helping out should contact the DAV at 906-864-3577.