07/31/2019- A popular Marinette County beach has been closed off to boaters and that’s drawing criticism from residents and visitors alike. Earlier this year, the county’s Parks Department made some changes at the Twin Bridge County Park to create designated areas for swimmers, boaters, and dogs along the beach on the High Falls Flowage. However, after receiving complaints about boaters’ raucous behavior and the repeated removal of the new swim buoys by guests, county officials made the decision to temporarily ban boats from the area altogether. County Parks Administrator Pete Villas says it’s about ensuring everyone’s safety.
However, park users are speaking out saying that barring boaters is too restrictive and they’re calling on the county to again permit boat access while they try to come up with a long-term solution. County Supervisor John Guarisco calls the issues “growing pains” and says there needs to be consistency, as well as an increase in patrols and enforcement.
The ban had a 30-day time limit. Villas says he expects a decision on boater access at the park to be made in the next several days.
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