Marinette County Sheriff, Jerry Sauve, reports that at 5:08am Saturday morning Marinette County Dispatch received calls of a crash at U.S. Highway 41 and Kasal Lane in the Town of Grover involving a large truck and a passenger car. Law enforcement, fire departments, emergency medical responders were all sent  to the scene.  The initial investigation reveals that a four-door passenger car was attempting to pull onto U.S. Highway 41 northbound from the median or attempting to cross completely to Kasal Lane into the Eagle express truck stop.  The car entered the path of a northbound semi-truck pulling a dump trailer loaded with scrap metal.  After impact the truck entered the east ditch and overturned.  The passenger car spun down the southbound lanes and the lone female driver was ejected and later pronounced dead on the scene by the Marinette County Medical Examiner.  The truck driver was trapped inside the overturned wreckage.  After a lengthy extrication effort, he was freed and taken to the hospital with serious injuries.  The victim was identified as 67 year old Kathy Ann Trepanier  of the Town of Grover. The driver of the truck was 64-year-old Lowell Reek from Pulaski his current condition is unknown. The crash remains under investigation by the Sheriff’s office, Wisconsin State Patrol, and the Marinette County Medical Examiner.