03/18/2020- Tyco has submitted their biosolids work plan to the Wisconsin DNR to sample private drinking water within 1,200 feet of 61 fields where PFAS-contaminated biosolids were applied by the Cities of Marinette and Peshtigo. In June 2018, Marinette notified the DNR of elevated PFAS concentrations present in influent wastewater received at their wastewater treatment plant and soon thereafter discovered the contamination in their biosolids. The DNR requested Marinette stop the land application of those biosolids in September of 2018 and identified 61 fields that saw land spreading activity dating back to 1996. Peshtigo also found elevated PFAS concentrations in biosolids generated by its wastewater treatment plant and ceased land spreading in June of 2019. The owners of potentially impacted wells have been contacted and asked for permission to sample their drinking water wells for PFAS and the workplan outlines that sampling is scheduled to be completed by the end of March. Tyco says they will provide individual results to landowners and the DNR after they receive them, and provide a comprehensive report to the DNR in May.