01/15/2019- Declining membership numbers are threatening to close the doors of one Marinette County emergency rescue agency. The Wausaukee Rescue Squad has been serving central Marinette County for more than five decades, but with just ten volunteers remaining, they could soon be forced to shut down. Thomas Arthur is the President of Wausaukee Rescue and says the current volunteers include four drivers, two first responders and four EMTs, but they are stretched to the limit and the organization is desperate need of new members.
Wausaukee isn’t the only rescue squad organization facing falling membership numbers; it’s a struggle for emergency medical providers nationwide, but it’s hitting rural areas like Marinette County particularly hard. Arthur says if the Wausaukee Rescue Squad shuts down its operations, the townships in their coverage area would be required to contract out those services, driving up the costs for taxpayers in that district.
Arthur says there’s no set monthly time commitment to serve on the Wausaukee Rescue Squad, but volunteers must be at least 18 years old and complete local, state, and federal training requirements. Those interested should call 715-856-5035.