08/13/2018- Officials across Wisconsin are urging residents to get out and vote in tomorrow’s primary election. In what will likely be the most closely-watched race locally, Fred Popp challenges Incumbent Jerry Sauve for the Republican spot for Sheriff. Voters will also decide between Carrie Brazeau and Sheila Dudka for Clerk of Circuit Court.
In statewide contested races, Incumbent Scott Walker will face off against Robert Meyer for the Republican gubernatorial slot, while voters will choose from among ten gubernatorial candidates on the Democratic side. It’s Jay Schroeder versus Spencer Zimmerman for the Republican Secretary of State candidacy and Doug La Follette faces off against Arvina Martin for the Democrats. Democrats Kurt Kober and Mandela Barnes are both vying for the Lieutenant Governor position and there’s a Democratic race for State Treasurer, as well.
Contested Congressional races include that for United States Senator.
Marinette County Clerk Kathy Brandt reminds voters tomorrow’s election is a partisan primary, meaning you may only vote in one party’s primary. If you choose a party, votes cast in that party will be counted and votes cast in any other party will not be counted. If you fail to choose a party and vote in more than one party, no votes will be counted. Polls will be open from 7:00 AM until 8:00 PM.