On Friday, March 22nd, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the City of Menominee will hold a public meeting to discuss the feasibility study being conducted for the Menominee Commercial Harbor Improvement Project. The study evaluates the impacts of deepening the federal navigation channel from the mouth of the Menominee River to commercial shipping facilities Marinette Fuel and Dock, KK Integrated Logistics, and the Marinette Marine Corp. shipyard. USACE Project Planner John Love will present information about the study. The event will be held at the NWTC Training Center at 1428 Main St, Marinette at 4:30 pm.
About The Author
Melissa Ebsch
I have never found anything that has made me happier than journalism. The ability to inform the public is one of the most rewarding things anyone could do. While I have had many amazing opportunities in my career, I am finally back doing what I call a passion. The ability to be my true authentic self in black and white. I am a wife, mother of seven, grandmother to four, and I enjoy reading, collecting typewriters, movies, spending time with my family and our famous game nights!
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